Over several years Nick taught my three children how to play the piano from beginner through to exam level. He’s enthusiastic, patient and made learning to play the piano enjoyable, even when interest was waning Nick always managed to increase their motivation and positivity to carry on.
Christine Smith
My daughter Maddie studied piano with Nick for eight years and whereas other passions fell by the wayside, piano never did. I think a key part of this was because Nick made it fun whether that was guiding her through the exams or transcribing her favourite pop song of the moment. An inspiring teacher.
Avril Jones
Nick is an inspirational teacher who has guided me in both practice and theory over the last eighteen months. This has enabled me to experience the joy of playing the piano which is something I have come to in later life.
Andrea Duford
We really fell on our feet engaging Nick to tutor Eva. An inspiring teacher like Nick extracts the very best from his students.
Paul Drayton, composer & conductor
These colourful pieces might be just the thing to fire the imagination of a young pianist with moderate technical skills.
Andy McFarlane, music teacher (London)
These fun-filled,imaginative and well written pieces are perfect for the piano teacher looking for pieces to work on in between grade exams. Up to date and in a variety of styles, including swing, each piece focuses on a particular technical or musical element. I highly recommend them.

Musical Educator and Composer
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